Slick Vick

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Checking the Check List Off!

Am I the only one who NEEDS to make a list to be productive? I swear I completely fall a part unless I do!

I used to have one planner and a calendar on the wall that I would use to keep on track. This was beautiful. But as I have grown up and established more responsibilities, I needed more to stay on task.

I currently have a wall calendar, a planner, a notebook with a daily checklist, and I sometimes have post it notes or note cards with lists as well. This has come to be my staple in my life to make sure I am on task.

The notebook with my daily check list is primarily for my business. I have a current list of 25 items I need to check on daily. It doesn’t mean I always get to all 25, but the goal is to. If I were to not check any of them off, I would survive haha! Nothing “bad” would happen, but the point is to stay disciplined and consistent.

The calendar and planner are basically the same thing, only one is for the house and the other is to come with me on the go.

The post-it notes and note cards are for those little things that need to be done for that day and that day only. Examples would be if it was a busy day of appointments and errands, I would write out the times I needed to be at places, maybe a grocery list, other odds and ends, etc.

So the big question is why is this so important to some of us, and what is the reason behind it actually working?

For me, it’s all about the completion method. The act of checking off a list once the item is done is one that is satisfying and motivating. When I check off something, I feel successful. I feel good! It gives me that little drop of dopamine to keep going and complete more! Sometimes the lists have things like, do the dishes, clean the bathroom, and put away clothes. Those are actions I would eventually get done in a day, but when it’s on a list, it feels different when completed. I make these lists with these items when I either don’t have a lot to get done in my physical environment, or if I were feeling low and needed encouragement in feeling like I had purpose that day.

I hope this explanation and little tips help you stay on task, motivated, and feeling good throughout your days! Please let me know what else you make lists for! :)